Monday, January 31, 2011


I just went mega shopping.

Food and liquor.

Lots of it.

Here in Oklahoma, according to a weatherman, we are about to have a "historic snow storm".
Funny thing is 2 days ago it was in the 70's for 4 days straight.
Holy annoying state.
So maybe during this time lots of blogging will take place, or maybe I will just drink a lot of wine?
Who knows.
I do know that I hate this state so much. If it had balls or a uterus I would be punching them over and over. Hahahahahaaaaa!!!
Oh delirium. Have you set in already.
Time for more wine.

Hope it's sunny where you are!


Tara said...

Sounds like drinking wine is the best thing to do in that situation!

Seriously, what's with the horrendously cold weather, lately?

It was -40 Celsius at my parents' house in Alberta yesterday! It better warm up before I have to go back there at the end of the month.

Rashel said...

Yeah the weather is insane. More is coming next week and seriously -40 celsius?! Whew. Warm up where you are for sure and bring some back with you!