I haven't been well. This pregnancy is doing some serious ass kicking. I have been sick for 5 weeks now and I have only left my house 4 times in 4 weeks. When I found out I was pregnant with Scout I had just come home from Mexico and been dealing with a horrible sickness that we all picked up on the trip. I didn't know I was pregnant at the time, and after everyone else got better I just stayed gross. I had really bad headaches and afternoon nausea, that's about it. I was able to actually live a little anyways. This time around is a whole different ball game. I have a rare day that I feel alright, but for the most part I am out. I have zero energy. I have no appetite because of this extreme nausea and everytime something does sound good I end up with huge regrets. I had no aversions the first time around. Now? Everything. At least that what it feels like. So ready to feel better and remember what energy feels like!!!

Check out this belly. It's really freaking me out. I am bigger now than at 4 months with Scout. Eeesh.
That's why I am glaring in the pic below!! Ha! It's was just super sunny outside.
It was almost 90 degrees the other day! Time to bust out the bathing suits!!!
Check out that underbite! Wowza. She is so effing cute, her little chin just kills me.
Wow! Your pics came out lovely! Congrats! And I have some shoe envy goin' on now...
I love your 7week pics! Do you edit them yourself? And scouts underbite is pretty stickin' cute. :)
Thank you, girls! I really don't know how I pulled it off. The next few weeks will be interesting. Rebekah I did edit them myself. Nothing special. I use Picnik online to edit.
So sorry you've been feeling crappy. Like you, I'm showing way more and earlier than my first pregnancy. I haven't taken a belly shot and keep meaning to -- and I'm already 16 weeks along.
Scout is super cute in her bikini.
Gosh. You are so gorgeous. Loves.
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