Wednesday, May 04, 2011

I wanna know...

If you could have one baby item, minus the obvious (clothes, diapers, ect.), what would it be? What was the one item that saved your life, made things easier, wish you would have had.

Throw me your ideas!!

13 weeks pregnant rolled around on Sunday along with my little Scout's 3rd birthday party! I wanted to cry all day long. I was an emotional mess on the inside while everyone ate cake and had fun. I cannot believe she is 3 (her actual birthday was May 3rd). I also cannot believe I am 13 weeks along in this pregnancy! I feel like it is flying by. I promise I will post pictures soon. Le belly has really popped out now. I am so ready to be in my second trimester, I am still so exhausted all of the time so hopefully I get that energy burst soon!


Kristina said...

New follower, first comment :)

I have a 4 month old and I LOVE LOVE LOVE our Bumbo. She's been sitting in it for a couple of months now and it is wonderful. We keep it on the counter (even though they say not to put it on high surfaces) so she can be close to us and watch us while we cook, do the dishes, or pay bills. Plus it's so lightweight that we'll take it with us to restaurants, on vacation, to friends' houses, etc. Love it!

Keri-Anne said...

moby wrap. my 6 week old just fed and fed for about 3 hours at a time so now i have a moby wrap. i put her in and i suddenly have two hours free as she sleeps. :) x

Paige @ The Crunchy Mamacita said...

Definitely a good baby carrier, a Moby, an Ergo, or a Maya.

Olivia Grace said...

I could NOT live without my Ergo carrier! I've tried several different carriers and none come close as far as how comfortable it is for both mama and baby! I get so much more done because I can just wrap her up and go, and she usually falls right to sleep in it, even now at 5 months old!

Keri-Anne said...

just a little comment to let you know that i grabbed your button,

Keri-Anne xx

Alexandria said...

The moby wrap. Fo shizzle.