Monday, April 18, 2011

11 weeks

Sorry there has been no pictures to document. My camera has been on the fritz and is being sent for repair.

It's official. I have hit the chubby stage of pregnancy. After my last picture post I shrunk significantly in belly size. I guess I was just bloated or things were readjusting. Anyways, I couldn't even tell I was pregnant unless I laid on my stomach or bent over to pick something up. It seems that this past saturday brought a different story! This belly has popped. It's no longer flat under my belly button. Time for new clothes!
On the other hand I feel like I am on the up and up. I have felt good for few days now. My sleep is better even though I still get up a thousand times to pee. I seem to fall back to sleep pretty quick. I have been having to have a 2-5 am snack. At some point during those 3 hours my body goes crazy and I MUST EAT NOW! Today is the first day without my sea bands in two weeks! My nausea is gone, knock on wood. I am still having some food aversions though, I am so ready to crave food! I have lost 4 lbs this month because of not wanting any food.
Overall, I am feeling good and so happy to be nearing my second trimester!


Diana Smith said...

I am almost 7 weeks prego! Its fun to go through this all with you!! We are like only a month apart from each other! Awesome!

Rashel said...

I know! It's fun to have a blog friend right along with me! I hope you are feeling better than I did, sheesh that was hell.

Kendall Walker said...

Rashel I really love reading your blogs. I have to say though, it makes me glad I'm I'm those last few Im so happy for you! We still need to hit up babies r us together sometime and let the girls get their play on. Haha. How the feeling good keeps up. Its to hard being sick when yoy have another kiddo to take care of. Love ya girl! Can't wait to read more!

Lindsey said...

The second trimester is so great!

kenzie said...

ah, im so glad to hear its going well! hurraay :)

Rebekah said...

Glad to hear your feeling better :) Did you try the Cal-Mag? Ughh, I hate the chubby stage! ESPECIALLY when someone points it out! Like yesterday at work, one of my patients was like "ohh you're pregnant? Because last time I was in it looked like you were just getting chubby." I was like WHATTTT!!!??? haha Who says that to a pregnant woman!? I don't know, But glad you have a little belly now :) I want to see pictures!