Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April showers bring May tornados???

The weather here in Okc is amazing. I have been itching for warm weather since it left us last October. I hate cold weather! I feel like in this haze I've been in everything has bloomed without me realizing it. The trees are getting full with leaves, I can't see the neighbors behind me (you have no idea how nice that is!!!), sno cone stands are opening up, windows are open daily and the incense swirls around my house with the wonderful breeze. Ahhhhhhh. I love this weather. Every morning when Scout wakes up she looks out the window and says "It's such a beautiful day, Momma!" no matter if it's gross outside or not. She cracks me up.
One thing I am getting excited for, maybe excited isn't the word, is tornado weather. I know I sound crazy. Maybe it's just being an Oklahoma girl, although I know not everyone shares this oddity. There is just something about the winds changing, the sky turning different colors, the stillness in the air. Of course I don't like tornados, I think I like the urgency that comes with them. God I sound like a crazy pregnant lady!
 I shouldn't like it, but I do.
Here is a story for you.... Last year on May 10th, I was at my mom's house in what we call tornado alley. Her town pretty much always gets hit by tornados. Why she decided to move there is beyond me. Anyways, my nephew had just had his tonsils and adnoids removed that day and I was going to help my sister take care of him for a few days. My youngest sister and I were driving home from the hospital and as we were everything started changing. The skies got really dark, the wind picked up, the smell of the air was different. We got to my mom's about 20 minutes before my other sister and mom got there. We sat outside talking, not really thinking about the weather, I mean you kind of get used to it around here. My youngest sister left when everyone got there. We got little man inside and I decided to turn on the news to see if anything was going on. Literally as I did that the tornado sirens started going off. It said a tornado was forming literally right over mom's house!! I started flipping shit. In my mom's house the only place to go is under her stairs. Everyone was in shock, so while my sister was getting my nephew settled in under the stairs along with Scout, I started pulling the mattresses off of their beds. I turned into super woman. Then it started. Everything went silent. Out of no where it sounded like explosions were going off. It was the loudest noise I had ever heard in my life. My heart went in my throat. I started moving so fast, getting everyone under the stairs, under the mattresses. Then all of a sudden it got louder, waaaaay louder. It was hail. Hail the size of fucking plates. Hail was pounding through the roof, the skylights, through our cars. It was the scariest shit I have ever been through when it comes to weather. My car had a whole bigger than a grapefruit in it's side! It's side!!! It was coming from all directions. Everything was destroyed. 5 cars in the drive were beaten to hell. Every roof was mutilated. We were safe though. No tornado hit us. It was a close call and one that should have been a slap in my face to not get giddy when it comes to that sort of weather, buuuuut nope I still do. So there you have one of my stories, kids. Don't get to excited over this post! Haha!

I am an idiot.


Lizzy said...

Lol you're not an idiot. You are funny! I'm from Missouri and so I totally know what you're talking about! I live in Utah now and we hardly even get RAIN so I really miss the craziness of tornado season. Enjoy it for me too ;)

Tara said...

Alberta is pretty prone to tornadoes, too. I grew up on a farm in the middle of the prairies, so, tornado watches and warnings and funnel clouds and twisters were all common occurrences growing up. Our house even got hit by a twister once, and, I remember standing outside in our field from time to time, watching funnel clouds swirling and whirling and lifting off and touching down in the distance. It sounds crazy, and maybe it is, just a little. Storms scare the poop out of me, but I always get a little excited, too.

kenzie said...

ah! i remember last year when all that hail was going on. my cousin works for news 9 and he posted some crazy pictures. i was born in oklahoma (have i mentioned that before?) and ALL my family is there, so i hear about the weather all the time. tornados are kind of exciting. just how i feel about earthquakes here. knock on wood. now something bad is going to happen, right? eeeep!

Lindsey said...

I completely understand the excitement of tornadoes! I am from Oklahoma, but now I live in Texas. Here, people don't understand how great it is to go outside and watch when there are tornadoes outside.